Monday, September 30, 2019

The Missouri Compromise

Coming back to the beginning of the American history, when the United States consisted of only thirteen states, the representatives of the northern (lets call them as â€Å"free†) and southern (lets call them as â€Å"slave†) states had almost the equal rights in the Congress. Also, it should be pointed out that slavery problem didn’t arise during that period of time. However, the situation was completely changed, when the boundaries of United States approached to West. Both the northern and southern parts were worried about the advantages in the parliament, which, as it is known, was formed on the basic of the following principles: the members of House of Representatives and two deputies from each state – the Senate. In fact, just the Senate became the main reason of the â€Å"battle† between the North and South later. It should be emphasized that in the first half of the nineteenth century two main tendency or saying in other words two main ways of bourgeois development took place in the U.S.: one – in the North, other – in the South. So, the main questions of the second American Revolution were the following: Would the further development of capitalism in the U.S. be provided with a way of slavery destruction and would the victory of a free farmer over the slave-owning system take place in the future? Firstly, the main reason of mass contradictions and conflicts became customs tariffs. The point is that, the Northern bourgeoisie was interested in selling the production and therefore demanded high customs for the manufactured goods which were brought from abroad. Slave-holders didn’t support them. So, Legislative Assembly of the South Caroline state in 1832 demanded the complete cancellation of customs tariffs, threatening to disconnect from the U.S.A. The main its argument was so-called â€Å"nullification† doctrine, according to which, states can ignore the decisions of the federal authority if they didn’t correspond the constitution. It is clear, that such kind of explanation was very profitable for the separatism representatives, especially in the South of the country. In general, collisions of interests of industrial bourgeoisie and slave-owners led to the unavoidable conflict, which afterwards caused the civil war.   It is obvious that, the given conflict became the beginning of the very tense fight between the following economical systems:   strengthening bourgeois system and weakening slave-holding one.   On the background of the given fight, the political history of America at the period between the independence and civil wars was more visible. Also, at the beginning of the 19-th century various disagreements arose between the representatives of the following political parties: the party of federalists and the party of democrat-republicans. The first party was established by Hamilton. So, focusing on the huge bourgeoisie and successful planters, federalists didn’t want to support the democratization of the constitution. As to the Republican party, at the head of Jefferson, it was highly supported among the industrial bourgeoisie, small planters, farmers and craftspeople. The main purposes of the given party included: the development of bourgeois-democratic freedoms and restrictions of the huge planter’s activity. The beginning of the long conflict was considered to be raising a question on Missouri State. Coming back, we can see that when the territory of Missouri applied for admission to statehood, the Congress and the nation were confronted with a unique substantive question that had far-reaching implications both for the settlement and for the future political status of all the states that might be carved from the vast area acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Nevertheless, despite all faced difficulties and problems Missouri managed to become a state in 1818   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Bartelby, 2006, p.1). However, the settlers from Missouri also wanted their state to be a slave state. So, the question: â€Å"Should slavery be allowed in the new state of Missouri?† was suggested to be the most important for the citizens of that state at that moment (Blaustein, 1968, p.16).   The fact that southern slaveholders had already migrated into the Missouri territory made the question more than academic. The Congressmen from the North did not want another slave state. Also, at the same time Maine asked to be admitted to the Union ( p.17 ).   The discussion on the given problem was very dangerous for the U.S. because it could lead to the split of the country into two enemy sides. Planters tried to create the special law, according to which, the state would have to receive slave status, however they faced mass protests from the delegates of free states. Nevertheless, the given conflict was finished by the Missouri Compromise in February of 1820. As a result, the new agreement was reached, according to which, Missouri had a slave status, but the new Maine State was simultaneously accepted to statehood as a free one. Also, the territory north of 36†² 30†² north latitude was considered to be free ( p.17 ). Afterwards, the act of March 6, 1820 took place, according to which, fugitive slaves could be apprehended north of the compromise line and returned to their owners. As the American history showed, Missouri Compromise was regarded to be the most long-lived, because no states applied for admission to the statehood of the U.S.A. during the next thirty years. Coming to the conclusion, we can say, that obviously the acceptance of free states undermined the positions of the slave-holders in the Senate. In fact, the Missouri Compromise managed only to suspend the open battle between two economical systems. Later, it was broken when the question, which was connected with the future of such states as California, New Mexico and Utah, was raised. In 1854 the dispute over two states Kansas and Nebraska, which were located north of   Ã‚  Ã‚  36†² 30†² north latitude touched upon the Missouri Compromise again. As the result, the 36 °30 ´ proviso held until 1854, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise completely. References Bartelby, Inc. The compromises of 1820 and 1850. Retrieved July 20, 2006 from    Blaustein A.P. (1968). Civil Rights and the Black American. A Documentary History, 9, 16-19                         The Missouri Compromise Coming back to the beginning of the American history, when the United States consisted of only thirteen states, the representatives of the northern (lets call them as â€Å"free†) and southern (lets call them as â€Å"slave†) states had almost the equal rights in the Congress. Also, it should be pointed out that slavery problem didn’t arise during that period of time. However, the situation was completely changed, when the boundaries of United States approached to West. Both the northern and southern parts were worried about the advantages in the parliament, which, as it is known, was formed on the basic of the following principles: the members of House of Representatives and two deputies from each state – the Senate. In fact, just the Senate became the main reason of the â€Å"battle† between the North and South later. It should be emphasized that in the first half of the nineteenth century two main tendency or saying in other words two main ways of bourgeois development took place in the U.S.: one – in the North, other – in the South. So, the main questions of the second American Revolution were the following: Would the further development of capitalism in the U.S. be provided with a way of slavery destruction and would the victory of a free farmer over the slave-owning system take place in the future? Firstly, the main reason of mass contradictions and conflicts became customs tariffs. The point is that, the Northern bourgeoisie was interested in selling the production and therefore demanded high customs for the manufactured goods which were brought from abroad. Slave-holders didn’t support them. So, Legislative Assembly of the South Caroline state in 1832 demanded the complete cancellation of customs tariffs, threatening to disconnect from the U.S.A. The main its argument was so-called â€Å"nullification† doctrine, according to which, states can ignore the decisions of the federal authority if they didn’t correspond the constitution. It is clear, that such kind of explanation was very profitable for the separatism representatives, especially in the South of the country. In general, collisions of interests of industrial bourgeoisie and slave-owners led to the unavoidable conflict, which afterwards caused the civil war.   It is obvious that, the given conflict became the beginning of the very tense fight between the following economical systems:   strengthening bourgeois system and weakening slave-holding one.   On the background of the given fight, the political history of America at the period between the independence and civil wars was more visible. Also, at the beginning of the 19-th century various disagreements arose between the representatives of the following political parties: the party of federalists and the party of democrat-republicans. The first party was established by Hamilton. So, focusing on the huge bourgeoisie and successful planters, federalists didn’t want to support the democratization of the constitution. As to the Republican party, at the head of Jefferson, it was highly supported among the industrial bourgeoisie, small planters, farmers and craftspeople. The main purposes of the given party included: the development of bourgeois-democratic freedoms and restrictions of the huge planter’s activity. The beginning of the long conflict was considered to be raising a question on Missouri State. Coming back, we can see that when the territory of Missouri applied for admission to statehood, the Congress and the nation were confronted with a unique substantive question that had far-reaching implications both for the settlement and for the future political status of all the states that might be carved from the vast area acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Nevertheless, despite all faced difficulties and problems Missouri managed to become a state in 1818   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Bartelby, 2006, p.1). However, the settlers from Missouri also wanted their state to be a slave state. So, the question: â€Å"Should slavery be allowed in the new state of Missouri?† was suggested to be the most important for the citizens of that state at that moment (Blaustein, 1968, p.16).   The fact that southern slaveholders had already migrated into the Missouri territory made the question more than academic. The Congressmen from the North did not want another slave state. Also, at the same time Maine asked to be admitted to the Union ( p.17 ).   The discussion on the given problem was very dangerous for the U.S. because it could lead to the split of the country into two enemy sides. Planters tried to create the special law, according to which, the state would have to receive slave status, however they faced mass protests from the delegates of free states. Nevertheless, the given conflict was finished by the Missouri Compromise in February of 1820. As a result, the new agreement was reached, according to which, Missouri had a slave status, but the new Maine State was simultaneously accepted to statehood as a free one. Also, the territory north of 36†² 30†² north latitude was considered to be free ( p.17 ). Afterwards, the act of March 6, 1820 took place, according to which, fugitive slaves could be apprehended north of the compromise line and returned to their owners. As the American history showed, Missouri Compromise was regarded to be the most long-lived, because no states applied for admission to the statehood of the U.S.A. during the next thirty years. Coming to the conclusion, we can say, that obviously the acceptance of free states undermined the positions of the slave-holders in the Senate. In fact, the Missouri Compromise managed only to suspend the open battle between two economical systems. Later, it was broken when the question, which was connected with the future of such states as California, New Mexico and Utah, was raised. In 1854 the dispute over two states Kansas and Nebraska, which were located north of   Ã‚  Ã‚  36†² 30†² north latitude touched upon the Missouri Compromise again. As the result, the 36 °30 ´ proviso held until 1854, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise completely. References Bartelby, Inc. The compromises of 1820 and 1850. Retrieved July 20, 2006 from    Blaustein A.P. (1968). Civil Rights and the Black American. A Documentary History, 9, 16-19                        

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Introduction for “Piaget †Stages of cognitive development” Essay

Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) proposed the idea of the four stages of childhood cognitive development. These are age-related stages and refer to certain accomplishments that should be achieved, by the child, at the end of each stage. The first stage of cognitive development is the Sensorimotor stage, which lasts from birth to around two years of age. During this stage, children learn to coordinate their senses (hearing, sight, touch etc.) with their motor abilities. From two to seven years is the Pre-operational stage. Children of this age become capable of more sophisticated thinking. The Concrete operational stage lasts from about seven years of age to about twelve. These children put together what they have already learnt, with knowledge gained from new experiences. The final stage of cognitive development identified by Piaget, is the Formal operational stage. This lasts from twelve years of age onwards. People in this stage are capable of more complex thought processes. During the Concrete operational stage (7 to 12 years), children should develop an understanding of the principle of conservation. Conservation refers to the idea that if an object alters its shape or appearance, its volume, mass, length or area will not change. A child with an understanding of conservation should be able to think logically and see that these qualities have not changed, even if they appear to have done so. Achievement of conservation of mass can be demonstrated with two small balls of plasticine. A child is shown the plasticine and agrees that the balls are the same size. One of the balls is then squashed down. A pre-concrete operational child will probably decide that the ‘squashed’ ball is bigger, while a child at the Concrete operational stage should acknowledge that they are still the same weight or mass. This illustrates the ability of the child to understand how the object has changed, not only see the beginning and end result.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Proposal-determine if the cell cycle proteins are expressed at Essay

Proposal-determine if the cell cycle proteins are expressed at different stages of nurse cell development in Trichinella spires infected muscle - Essay Example The life cycle of Trichinella begins with larvae being ingested raw or undercooked, pork meat. The larvae attach and bury themselves in the intestinal mucosa developing into adults in the small intestines. The adults in the intestinal mucosa mate producing more larvae. A single female can produce up to 1500 over a period of 1 to for weeks. The produced larvae then enter the lymph and mesenteric veins traveling throughout the body eventually attaching itself as a cyst in the striated muscle. The cyst helps the Trichinella species to survive the host’s immune system. The larva may remain viable for up to 25 years in humans. The viable cysts when ingested by a new host they become viable again beginning the cycle. The nematodes of genus Trichinella infect a wide range of mammal’s reptiles and birds. The parasite usually alternate between the enteric and skeletal muscle stages within their hosts. The eleven known genotypes are made up of two categories. The first is the species that encapsulation occurs and that one that no encapsulation occurs. (Zarlenga et al. 2004). T spirally is the most common cause of human infections, and much of the proposal will discuss this species. The T spirally usually inhabits the host muscle cells and become encapsulated. The Trichinella species is found in a broad geographic range from the tropics to the Arctic. The encapsulated species shows more adaptations to colder climates as compared to the encapsulated species. The major hosts of Trichinella species are sylvatic swine and domestic swine. The synanthropic group of animals such as rat’s cats, dogs, and carnivore also from the host to the Trichinella species. The high infections to swine mean that Trichinella species spread to most continents thus showing a cosmopolitan distribution in equatorial and temperate climates (Pozio 2001). The species has been classified into three by use of molecular phylogenetics(Blaxter et al. 1998).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Quantitative Methods Individual work wk4 Assignment

Quantitative Methods Individual work wk4 - Assignment Example In conservative approach, there will be determination of the minimum payoff in each alternative that are available. The second step using the approach will involve selection of an alternative that maximized the minimum payoff that can be obtained. Basing on this approach, the maximum of minimum payoff values, the recommend alternative is decision one with the third state of nature 25. The mind max regret approach involves evaluation of each alternative available in terms of maximum and minimum regret values that are able to occur. In the consideration, the second alternative will apply as compared to the first alternative. In making decision on the plant size to construct, the recreational products will be demanded most in large company except due to low demand periods. The best alternative that the company is able to go for is small size plant. During low demand, the firm when puts up a large size will gain less profit as compared to small firms but when the demand rises, the demand is equal in medium demand and higher in high demand. The small size farm will be appropriate as there is no much loss that is incurred in all demand seasons. From the decision tree, in case the firm starts the project at 5 million dollars it has the probability of failing and succeeding in the investment. In case the firm is successful and decides to build the facility that they operate, the firm is exposed to different profits in different demand situation. If the business decides to have sell rights after it is successful, the business will gain 20 million as the profit. In this situation, the business should invest and start the project. After the project is started, the business should then make sure to focus on the success of the project. When the project becomes successful, the business will invest in building the facility such that high demand will lead to more profit than the firm invested. The selling price of the rights to the product will be 25 million dollars

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organizational Culture in Different Countries and Regions Term Paper

Organizational Culture in Different Countries and Regions - Term Paper Example Taken negatively, this culture can be used as a shield and process that people withdraw to when they intend to sideline their common sense. It is a form of groupthink or herd mentality that could be used to shrug responsibility (Savio, 2007). But when properly understood, the barriers of cultural differences can come down and the authenticity of the people emerges transcending the old collective and herd thinking enabling one to find homogeneity and common ground to do business. But understanding the eccentricity or idiosyncrasy of a particular culture can be a challenge and may even take some time to be understood and perhaps after committing some blunders and faux pas that could cost the business itself. Seemingly innocuous behaviors, when not properly understood can be costly to the one doing the business who is unaware of the national culture that is being reflected in the bigger organization. To illustrate, a businessperson attending a dinner by a Chinese host may be aware that he has to be gracious being familiar of guanxi(Hwang, 2009). But knowing the host or Chinese counterpart is not enough (Bedford, 2011). Little things such as not following the nuances of dining protocols may even inadvertently offend the business counterpart. In the example cited, the guest, in his effort to be gracious to his host, ate every food that was served to him (there are 12 courses in a Chinese meal) even if he was full with the hope of getting the impression that he i s an appreciative guest. Only to be confounded that the host’s warmth disappeared and turned cold as the evening ended. It took some time for the guest to realize that in Chinese context, cleaning up your plate meant that the host did not feed you enough and that is quite offensive in doing business in Chinese context (Balderrama, 2010). Another example is the customary bringing of whisky to a Japanese counterpart which can be considered as a thoughtful gift but is offensive to Dubai nationals (Tulshyan, 2010). To better understand particular cultures and how they reflect and differ in the larger culture of an organization in different countries, Hoftstede formulated a cultural assessment tool whereby dimensions of one’s cultural strength can be assessed by assigning a scale ranging from 0 to 100 (Hoftstede, n.d.) . This tool of Hofstede is a popular tool among managers who would like to understand another culture apart from their own. The five cultural dimensions of P ower Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Long-Term Orientation; Hofstede’s five dimensions of culture in details are (MCCULLIGH, 2010); Small vs. large power distance – This refers to how a society handles inequalities and the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. Individualism vs. collectivism  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Behavior towards community. The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups or are expected to look after themselves and self-actualize. Masculinity vs. femininity)

Are computers making us excessively depend on technology Research Paper

Are computers making us excessively depend on technology - Research Paper Example In a bid to realize this, technology has had to come in handy. Technology has essentially offered the society internet, cellphones, business systems, teaching and learning tools, communication platforms, and entertainment among others (Dumas, 2012). Across these essential provisions of technology, computers count as vital components that enhance technology exploitation. In this respect, people’s lives have become more oriented towards computer use and subsequently excessively dependent on technology. Transport, education, work, entertainment, business, and communication among other computer-technology-based factors have become highly computerized (Sachs, 2011).This has followed the need to take advantage of emerging, new, and advanced technologies. Technology transfer has also gained ground all over world, thereby subjecting diverse societies to technological growth and development and computer use. Globalization, social, economic, and political change, and contemporary industrial revolution also continue to shift the globe towards computerization. This shift can be termed excessive based on the vibrant global technological development. Khosrow-Pour, M. (2002). Issues and Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Organizations: 2002 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 19-22, 2002, Volume 1. New York: Idea Group, Inc.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Theory final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theory final - Assignment Example pp.19-25). The three theories differ in complexity and the concepts they put forward. Grand theories are comprehensive, middle-range theories have a middle view reality, and practice theory is on a narrow view of reality. The prepositions in grand theories are not always explicit, middle-range theories are whereas in the propositions are well defined. Grand theories are more general in terms of the setting; middle-range theories are more particular to practice areas, and practice theories are to special populations or an identified field of practice. The similarities that exist between the three approaches is that they all view nursing as a profession that involves administration of care. Also, all the theories are aimed at improving service delivery for the general well being of human beings (Koshar, n.d. pp.35-42). An interactive-integrative framework involves viewing phenomena as having multiple, interrelated parts in relation to a particular context. Virginia Henderson concepts of the nature of nursing will be most helpful. It describes the role of a nurse as that of facilitating the activities of a sick or well person that contribute to general health or recovery. The theory states that a nurse should help patients recover and regain independence as soon as possible. The nurse to fit into the shoes of patients so as to identify and relate to their actual needs. This theory will suit the workplace as the hospital is a centre for the senior citizens who need special attention and follow up. The theory will be helpful, therefore, in addressing the needs of the elderly in a more personalised manner (Fawcett, 2005). Roy’s six-step nursing process would be most appropriate for development of Marys care plan . The model was established via the concept of an open system for human beings. The concept can respond to environmental stimuli through the development of survival

Monday, September 23, 2019

MGT506 - Strategic Leadership, Mod 5 Case Assignment Essay

MGT506 - Strategic Leadership, Mod 5 Case Assignment - Essay Example The implication is that a leader must always lead by example which is expressed by doing that which is expected to be done in the correct way and time so that he rest of the population being led can follow the example and do things the way he has done them. Shamir defines a leader as a person that is considered the best in doing something or carrying out an activity, that a leader is the head of an organization or a country and is one that is considered the best in doing things that are supposed to be done by the people or group he or she is leading. He adds that the term leader refers to one who is in front of a group and is responsible for the actions of the group (Shamir, 1991). To this extent therefore what Shamir is trying to imply is that a leader must ensure that the people he or she is leading do the right thing all the times. Good leaders in essence act as mirrors to those that they lead which is a reflection of what the people should do even in the absence of the leader. He is the root map that people view to get the right direction to follow in order to make straight their progress in life, the Pacesetters in everything that goes on in the community around them. A good leader as Shamir would put it is visionary in the sense that he or she leads the people towards the realization if they're set dreams for a better future and a better life in the times to come (Shamir, 1991) . A number of people in the world have satisfied this definition and proved their worth to fall in the list most successful and honored leaders of the world given their excellent performance and determination in leadership positions. This paper is going to examine the qualities of a good leader and define the requirements for good leadership with reference to the example of the former South African Anti- Apartheid activist and president, Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela As a Visionary Leader Nelson Mandela was born on July 18th 1918 in the current republic of South Africa. He was ado pted by the king of the Thembu tribe of South Africa after his father’s death just a few years after his resignation from the British employment (Mandela, 1994). While growing up among the king’s children, Nelson Mandela learned of the styles of leadership from the way the king used to handle cases brought to him from various regions within his kingdom. He also learned of the mode of relationship that the king had with the neighboring kingdoms in a bid to create peace and unity with the neighbors. In essence, the excellent style of leadership that Nelson Mandela portrayed as the first black president of the new republic of South Africa was learnt in this context right at the king's palace in the Thembu kingdom. (Waldman, 2006) David A Waldman in his journal article entitled Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: a GLOBE study of 15 countries defines leadership in the context of taking collective social responsibi lity taken at three levels. Of prime importance in this case is the dimension concerned with the community or state welfare, which he argues extends beyond just a particular stakeholder group include the larger societal entity which involves such values and actions as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Shamma Al Rathy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Shamma Al Rathy - Essay Example ill be charged for the architects' services instead of at cost, significantly increase the company's assets and, correspondingly, the shareholders equity; Such "unbilled" receivables may mislead if they include also uncompleted stages of the projects. It would be recommended to reflect the projects at cost. At the end of reporting period ongoing projects should be evaluated, percentage of their completion estimated, and corresponding revenue recognized. 6. Premium Coupons: From consumers' point of view these coupons add value and promote purchase of coffee, so cost of redeemed coupons should apply to the sales revenue of coffee; Given that the company can reasonably estimate from previous experience percentage of the coupons that will be redeemed in the future and that the sale of promotion coffee has already been maid, allowance for the 10% of outstanding coupons should be applied to the 2004 sales revenues for coffee. 7. Travelers Checks: Bank records 1.5% fee as its revenue; American Express records increase in the checks outstanding and unearned revenue. 8. Product Repurchase Agreement: Neither of the manufacturers has revenue in 2004: Manufacturer A should not recognize AED 600,000 as revenue because of possible repurchase of the product in the future, Wholesaler B does not have revenue because compensation for its services will be paid only in July of the following year. 9. Franchises: The initial services (training, introduction to the referral system, and marketing aids) are provided during the year when the agreement is signed. 75% of the receipts come from the annual fees. The company should recognize the initial franchise fee as revenue in the same year the agreement is signed, or allocate it between two or three first years. If the market becomes saturated,...Trees left to grow for one more year are equivalent to work-in-process inventory for manufacturing companies. On-going projects reflected at the rates at which the customers will be charged for the architects' services instead of at cost, significantly increase the company's assets and, correspondingly, the shareholders equity; It would be recommended to reflect the projects at cost. At the end of reporting period ongoing projects should be evaluated, percentage of their completion estimated, and corresponding revenue recognized. Given that the company can reasonably estimate from previous experience percentage of the coupons that will be redeemed in the future and that the sale of promotion coffee has already been maid, allowance for the 10% of outstanding coupons should be applied to the 2004 sales revenues for coffee. The company should recognize the initial franchise fee as revenue in the same year the agreement is signed, or allocate it between two or three first years. If the market becomes saturated, the company's profits are likely to drop 25% in comparison with the previous year and then be kept at the same level.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Into the Wild Essay Example for Free

Into the Wild Essay Jon Krakauer, the author of Into the Wild, and Chris McCandless, the main character, share very similar stories and personalities. The best was in which these similarities are depicted is in chapters 14 and 15, when Krakauer inserts himself into the story. In these chapters Krakauer highlights a lot of parallels between himself and McCandless and through these highlights we can look at Krakauer as a credible biographer because he has a deeper understand for McCandless’s motivations. Krakauer and McCandless have very similar obstacles and backgrounds which is exemplified in chapter 14. Both men at one point in life sought isolation, and more specifically, sought isolation with nature. Both thought they had something to prove, may it be to themselves or those around them. â€Å"I was twenty-three, a year younger than Chris McCandless when he walked into that Alaska bush† (Krakauer, 135). They are both two young men going out into the wilderness trying to live on their own and accomplish their own desired feat. Krakauer believed that since they shared similar challenges and characteristics, that their emotions and thoughts may have been the same too. No one really knows what McCandless was thinking at the time but Krakauer believes that he felt some loneliness from time to time. Krakauer once believed that he could live without people and friends just like McCandless though, but Krakauer admits that every once in a while he felt lonely so he infers that McCandless must have felt this same loneliness during his time in the wilderness. Krakauer also wants to elicit the comparison of their relationships with their fathers. â€Å"My father was a volatile, extremely complicated person, possessed of a brash demeanor that masked deep insecurities† (147). Both have fathers that they did not quite get along with and had tough relationships with. This also adds more credibility to Krakauer as a biographer as he shares yet another thing in common with McCandless. The motives of both characters are another important connection that must be made; both characters shared resilience and were determined to succeed. Krakauer’s own account is now made even more crucial to the book as we now see that both characters shared similar motives and mindsets. After being denied once by Devil’s Thumb Krakauer is still determined to climb to the top. â€Å"In truth my escapade on the north face had rattled me, and I didn’t want to go up the Thumb again at all. But the thought of returning to Boulder in defeat wasn’t very appealing either† (146). This can be compared to McCandless’s strong belief in his ability to survive. McCandless’s journey had not been an easy one and he had not been very successful, yet he was still determined in his abilities and would not give in. The fact that Krakauer also shares a similar mindset as McCandless makes his verdict about McCandless’s life that much more credible. Krakauer’s most important claim is that McCandless did not commit suicide. Even though McCandless states in his final postcard to Westerberg that he may never make it out alive, he still strongly belives in his own abilities. McCandless was under the false notion that, if he was able to survive everything so far, then he could survive the rest of his journey.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The economy of Bangladesh

The economy of Bangladesh ECONOMY OF BANGLADESH The country of Bangladesh is a developing economy. World average, however, is small but lower than India and Pakistan. Ranked of the world 48 largest economy country. Its grows lots of domestic foods. In the last few years, they make lots of different foods. Bangladeshis employed becoming a half or more then are in the agriculture sector, with RMG, they like to fish, vegetables, leather and leather goods, ceramics, as like importance product as world want rice . Sound financial problem they growth due. After that they try to fight with their own poorly financial to make their life.bangladesh is a country where can grow easily any kinds of they have lots of river thats why they could make any kinds of food easily.mainly they product lots of kinds of food. And rice, jute, wheat.lots of kind of vegetables. There have six seasons in Bangladesh. Communication, power supply, transportation and water supply and developing. They have reserves oil and coal. Day by day its improving human resource base. There have natural gas and two sea ports Mongla and Chittagong. Economic history South Asia Bangladesh was a prosperous region until modern. Tropical climate, fertile soil, advantages .wildlife, fish developing day by day. During the Mogul Empire. From Pakistan its independence 1971 now name Bangladesh. Socialist economy fellow Bangladesh. Economic sectors Agriculture of Bangladesh Bangladeshis earn most of their living from agriculture. 63% of Bangladeshi are involved in agriculture. Jute and rice are their main primary cops. As they crops lot of kinds vegetable and fruit. Although their due number of factors they grown three times in a year. Northeast they grown tea is the one of economy sector in world market. Irrigation control better flood and use fertilizers. A serious problem of Bangladesh underemployed and concern Bangladesh agriculture. Manpower is another side of Bangladesh to grow agriculture. Labour force comes from manpower. Lots of poor farmer they do to farm because they dont have another option to maintain their life. Management of Agriculture An agricultural country Bangladesh is predominantly. growth of the economy Agriculture being the engine. alleviation of poverty develop agriculture sector. improvement Since provision of food security for the life standard and generation.the overall effort by the government development of agriculture. the growing population To fulfill the food sustain dependable food security. appropriate technology modern agricultural system based improved. door steps of the farmers agricultural inputs including fertliser.procedures of agricultural credit simplification of the disbursement agricultural extension policy. system for quality modernisation of research creating opportunities investment in agriculture. the integrated technologies improvement of agro-products. Sectoral Growth In recent years has been a remarkable Rapid growth in food grain production of the countrys economic. unusually large summer and winter crops aman and boro crops. foodgrain production Bangladesh reached self-sufficiency. net purchasers of rice of rural households in the country. the development nongovernment organizations have the private sector of minidairies and poultry farms. foodgrain output was boosted Apart from favorable weather conditions.Agricultural inputs supply of key diesel, fuel ,seeds ,fertilizer.improved delivery of agriculture Good procurement support coming from Government. Manufacturing Industry Mostly of Bangladeshi women they are involved in garment industry. 19% Bangladeshi people are involved in industry. World market Bangladeshi garment is another popular. Making lots of foreign economy from garment is known another name.1.5 million people working in garment most of them are women. As a poor people they are involved in garment work. Leather product and footwear coming on in garment sector. Muslin and silk fabric the British as known famous. Dyes, yarn and clothes are as known famous in world market. Muslin and silk as known world market famous. Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC): Communication and infrastructural playing a vital role in the development the country. remark products are also improvement in country.products are Electric items, Razor blade, Ship repair, tube light, SEC wire, Transformer. Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI): 1985 through an Ordinance titled Testing Institution and Bangladesh Standard. BSTI include, among others The main function. national standards of industrial is entrusted with the responsibility chemical products and food. the technical committees is responsible for the quality of the products are ensured specific national standards. measures in the country introduction and implementation metric system of weight is also responsible. Textile sector In Bangladesh there is lots of big big textile group. Textile is another economy source of Bangladesh. Importance role of Bangladesh in textile. Nearly 4milion people working in textile .most of them are women. Export earning 78% comes from textile. There have lot of export produce earner.trousers, skirts, shorts, jackets, sweaters and sportswear fashions.. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Millennium Development Goals is committed The Government of Bangladesh. the government has been implementing this commitment National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction. increased attention to human resource no denying the fact that reaching the target hardcore poverty calls development. Developments in Post-primary Education Sector human resources development the principal element of Bangladesh to receive education the basic right of every citizen. human resources pool trained of immense importance for the country. science and technology poverty through building oriented education system. socioeconomic development national poverty of the main strategies Considering investment in education. quality of education Improve development of post-primary education. implementing appropriate programmme priority has been attached. PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Test case of development Bangladesh. Economy in examining problems one turns. There have lot of problems political .And social problems involved. They have poor management poor politics thats why they cant growth up easy way. They dont have any kinds of modern quality. POLITICAL: A true democracy became a Bangladesh. It had been ruled by military figures. There have lots of political problems in Bangladesh. If economy can growth but political leaders cant give to growth nicely. All of political leaders think about their selfs .At the end of the day economy going down and cant improve. Its very importance about economy about country. Their all times have two parties BNP and AWAMI league. When they go to one party a new government they do fight each other. At the end country economy cant improve. Muslim make up 83% is a secular Bangladesh aways been harmony with the different religious. Social: Increased tremendously Bangladesh decade education. Prime minister both of female and gender awareness. Women trust their religious and give value complain policies. Motionless at this moment power of caretaker government. Recently, Chief Adviser (CA) Fakhruddin Ahmed the countrys current economic slowdown. Government has already taken including formation .private-public business forum the situation. Optimistic like our Chief Adviser to overcome our economic problem. Problems of economy and causes of these problems 1) Caretaker government NO confidence Caretaker government, breaking and ejecting the businesses of footpath and slums. Jute mils, fixing principles Closing and action without plans.. Showing excuse of anticorruption Torturing businessmen Businessmen by National Board of Revenue and Anticorruption Commission. Independence of newspapers hindering. 2)Investment of businessmen and investors: Businessmen and investors are not interested to invest in this country. Money earned by corruption is closed now for anticorruption. Donor agencies, military government and international they do not know who is giving the direction of power 3) Purchasing power of general people: International market exists from previous two or three years Higher price of products in. We can blame following reasons for purchasing power of general people. Higher price of products as well as decreasing. Immoral syndicates of the period of union (BNP-Jamat) governmentDestructive activities. In country and showing signal that production will decrease in near products to earn more money. Future. For this reason, businessmen are not selling their products, storing products and creating shortage. Not as much as our expectation Production of rice. Interested to import rice from a huge amount of money for the luck of confidence on caretaker government. Primitive institutional structure because care taker government has not taken any positive initiative. The hindrance of supply facing the problem of inflation. CONCLUSION: Every country have some good or bad side economy after that its depends how to manage country economy. If country economy good thats means they have some reason for its back some goods side. context of Bangladesh present relationship between inflation economic growthdevelopment partners need to work .